WEConnect International’s fourth annual ThinkBig Summit is Asia’s largest women entrepreneurship and economic empowerment platform. The main goal of ThinkBig 2016 was to connect women-owned businesses with public and private sector opportunities that could dramatically impact the growth of their businesses. The Summit enabled almost 4,000 dynamic participants to engage in two days of inspiring and interactive sessions. Bangalore saw the women entrepreneurs come together like the roaring waves of the ocean at the thinkbig summit 2016. This path breaking initiative was organised by WeConnect International.

Here is a quick conversation with the President and CEO of WEConnect International Elizabeth Vazquez who took time during ThinkBig 2016, in bangalore recently.

As Elizabeth says that Weconnect international is a valuable resource to women owned companies who want to grow their businesses, who want to connect, who want to create jobs, who want access to market, who want to sell their products. Weconnect international’s women owned businesses represent  over a 100 countries and hence is a very powerful platform for connecting with new market and building new business. Elizabeth said that women suppliers are needed since they are half of the population and they are the decision makers when it comes to making consumer purchasing decisions. Hence supplier diversity and inclusion is important for corporations too for the fact that if they want to give profit to their shareholders then they need to engage all their end users and women  constitute half of the population. 

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